Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 14

For Lunch: A bowl of my minestrone soup and spicy grilled tofu. I really do like that tofu. It is filling and tasty.

After work I came home, and for some reason I was not very hungry. I notice that I have been getting full on less food, and not feeling so hungry all the time.

For Dinner: Granola and non-fat yogurt.

Cassi and I are getting ready to go to the Beatles Rockband party, technically the party is "Bring your own Booze" but I have decided this means "Bring your own Veggies" for me.

Cassi starts school tomorrow and I on Wednesday. I have to make sure I am still going strong on my health regiment with the school schedule. Just need to stay on top of everything. Probably more recipes and food that I can prep for ahead of time and then make quickly on school nights.


  1. Good luck keeping up the regimen when school starts back up. I know for us, being extremely busy makes healthy eating (especially lunch and snacks during the day) really difficult.

    Hopefully you can find a place to access both a fridge and a microwave at school. Those two things are crucial.

    Love the pictures - nice touch.


  2. You can do it, Kate!! You're awesome!!
