After lunch I hung out at home and then got ready for my evening of strenuous activity. I had a snack before I left.
For Snack: an Apple and some granola and nonfat plain yogurt.
I met mom at Biosonics. It's hard to get there by bus so I decided to walk. I took a bus to the U district and then walked on the Burke Gilman trail to Fremont, where the office is. It's at least a 2 mile walk. Mom and I went to Greenlake and walked the first 2/3 and ran the last mile of so. It's a great trail, I hope to make a habit of meeting mom for our run/walk. Right after that was done I ran across the street to the track and soccer fields and met some of my teammates for out conditioning workout. We ran a mile for a warm up, then did planks, then some sit-ups, pushups. Then we did jog/sprints, followed by an indian run which is basically a mile of running while passing a 9 lb medicine ball and sporadic sprints. I was exhausted. Mom and I went to some thai food, and I was hungry after a total of almost 8 miles of running/walking.
For Dinner: Tom Yum soup. A thai hot and sour soup with clear broth, veggies (mushrooms, broccoli, carrots) and steamed tofu. It was so good. We accidently ordered the wrong spring rolls, they were deep fried! We ones we wanted are fresh rolls. It was a bummer and they weren't even worth it.
I came back to the condo with my mom and we watch some TV. I had a piece of 72% Dark Chocolate which was heavenly and totally worth it. Then Cassi picked me up after she got done volunteering. Night Night.
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