Monday, March 01, 2010

Day 167

I woke up early and made coffee today. Cassi and I had a huge day!

For Breakfast: Coffee, half a grapefruit and oatmeal.

At 11 o'clock we met up with some soccer buddies and did a conditioning workout circuit that one of our teammates organized. It was intense. We ran a total of over 4 miles, and did tons of core exercises: planks, push-ups, sit-ups etc. It was hard but it felt good and it is exactly what I need to help me get in shape for the Vegas tournament.

After the exercise Cassi and I came home and made lunch.

For Lunch: Spinach salad with red onion, mushrooms, walnuts, and salmon with lemon and olive oil. It was really good. Along side for some extra energy we had a small cup of black lentils.

I iced my knee and laid low until the next event on our schedule. Cassi and I had a soccer game at 4:30. We won, and it was a great game, Cassi had 2 goals! Immediately after the game Cassi and I had to run home and get ready for our annual work party. Our work throws our "Holiday" party later because we are so busy during the holidays. 

For Dinner: They always have great food at the party, It was a huge taco bar this time. I had romaine lettuce and black beans with chicken pico de gallo and guacamole. Yummy.

Neither Cassi or I drank but we had a really great time regardless. I sang a couple of Karaoke songs and mingled with all my co-workers. After the party we came home and tackled our homework. Cassi did some studying and I stayed and completed my paper. I very full day!

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