Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Shop Before I Drop.

Well I finished me string of 5 doubles today and I am now at home relaxing. I had a couple of hours off today in-between my lunch shift and my dinner shift. It was one of the first times I have been able to think about what I am going to get everybody. I have been so tired from working I literally felt like I had to shop before I was going to collapse. Speaking of collapsing, I will tell you now that my knee is doing great and I think all this work is just making my leg stronger.

I wanted to share some pictures of the last week that I haven't had time to post.

First, the pictures of Cassi and I with out Tree:

Loaded up on our car, big tree!

 What a beauty!
Every year we get these singing christmas animals from Aunt Lisa. It may sound silly but we LOVE them and we look forward to them every year!!!!

I love our tree this year!

I also took a couple pictures when Cassi found out she got into UW School of Nursing!

So Excited!!!!

Well I guess I'll wrap it up and report of food for the day . . .

For Breakfast: Well I got to work and Ziro made this awesome salad with mixed greens a balsamic vinaigrette with all kinds of berries and fruits.

I worked then did some shopping and then ate lunch with Cassi before we headed back to work.

For Lunch: Chicken Chop Chop Salad with romaine, chicken, garbanzo beans, onion, basil, cucumber with a vinaigrette. 

So glad to be home and done with work!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Cass!!!!! her top choice !!!
    work,work ,work
    soon play ,play,play a bit
    both of u
    xx nana
